Match formats
The match format refers to the management of games and scores within a match. You may set a match format at any level of a competition (tournament, stage, group, round or match). A match format set on a smaller subset of the competition has priority.
Several match formats can be configured:
No games
A match with no match sets or calculations involved.
Type: no_sets
Options: None
Single game
A match with a single match set.
Type: single_set
- calculationstring
Determines whether and how the match outcome should be calculated. The method calculates the match outcome based on the match set "score" or match set "outcome".
Possible values: none, score, outcome
Home & away
A match with two match sets, and match score tallied up from match sets scores.
Type: home_and_away
- calculationstring
Determines whether and how the match outcome should be calculated. The method calculates the match outcome based on the match set "score".
Possible values: none, score
A match with any number of sets, where the winner is the participant with at least half of the set wins. The match may be interrupted when the winner is known (and the opponent may no longer contest the win).
Type: best_of
- nb_match_setsinteger
Maximum number of match sets to be played.
- interruptboolean
Whether to stop the match when a winner is know or wait until all match sets have been played.
- calculationstring
Determines whether and how the match outcome should be calculated. The method calculates the match outcome based on the match set "score" or match set "outcome".
Possible values: none, score, outcome
Fixed games
A match with a fixed number of sets, with the winner being the participant with most sets won after they have all been played.
Type: fixed_sets
- nb_match_setsinteger
Number of match sets to be played.
- calculationstring
Determines whether and how the match outcome should be calculated. The method calculates the match outcome based on the match set "score" or match set "outcome".
Possible values: none, score, outcome
Fixed games (advanced)
A match with a fixed number of sets only available in FFA structures and matches. Several point systems are available, with points and calculators to build a custom rule.
Type: fixed_sets_advanced
- nb_match_setsinteger
Number of match sets to be played.
- match_outcome_calculationboolean
Determines whether the match outcome should be calculated.
- match_calculatorsarray
One or several calculation rules to calculate the match outcome:
- Match set forfeits
- Match set scores
- Match set ranksExample: [{"name": "calculator1", "options": {}},{"name": "calculator2", "options": {}}]
- match_set_outcome_calculationboolean
Determines whether the match set outcome should be calculated.
- match_set_calculatorsarray
One or several calculation rules to calculate the match set outcome:
- Match set property scale
- Match set property factorExample: [{"name": "calculator1", "options": {}},{"name": "calculator2", "options": {}}]
Match set calculators
Match set calculators are rules used to collect points in match sets. Each calculator has a name that determines how points are calculated, and options that provide additional variables to customize the calculation method.
This calculator awards points or penalties when an opponent has been forfeit in a match set. Note that multiple forfeits increase the points or penalties calculated.
Name: match_set_forfeit_penalty_points
- forfeitinteger
Number of points to award on a forfeit. Note that the value should be negative number if it should provide a penalty.
{ "name": "match_set_forfeit_penalty_points", "options": { "forfeit": -1 } }
This calculator awards as many points as the score obtained in each match set.
Name: match_set_score_points
Options: None
{ "name": "match_set_score_points", "options": {}, }
This calculator awards points based on the rank obtained by the opponent. A scale is used to determine how many points are awarded.
Name: match_set_rank_points
- scaleobject
Points scale that defines how many points are awarded based on the rank obtained. A rank range can also be defined to apply the same number of points for several ranks at once.
{ "name": "match_set_rank_points", "options": { "scale": { "1": "100", "2": "50", "3-4": "30" }, } }
Property scale
This calculator awards points based on a discipline-related rank property. A scale is used to determine how many points are awarded.
Name: match_set_property_scale_points
- propertystring
Name of a rank property
- scaleobject
Points scale that defines how many points are awarded based on the rank property. A rank range can also be defined to apply the same number of points for several ranks at once.
{ "name": "match_set_property_scale_points", "options": { "property": "ingame_rank" "scale": { "1": "100", "2": "50", "3-4": "30" }, } }
Property factor
This calculator awards points using a factor and a discipline-related property. A scale is used to determine how many points are awarded.
Name: match_set_property_factor_points
- propertystring
Name of a rank property
- factorinteger
The factor used to multiply the property value.
{ "name": "match_set_property_factor_points", "options": { "property": "kills" "factor": 2, } }