A tournament is a competition involving a given set of participants. These participants play against each other following a predefined structure. They are progressively eliminated until a winner is declared and a final standing is established.
The tournament has a number of properties that describe how the competition will take place. Some of these properties enable particular features (such as registration, check-in, ...). Others are simply used to provide information to the participants.
A tournament can only be played on a single discipline in order to ensure that the competition's performances are comparable. The discipline may also add settings and specific discipline-related features.
The discipline information is also supplemented with the platform (device) used in the tournament. When the discipline involves several platforms, it is possible for the tournament to restrict the platform(s) on which it will take place. The platform is however only provided for information purposes.
Participant type
A tournament can only involve a single type of participants: players or teams. Participants will have a different data model based on the participant type.
A tournament has a size property that represents the expected number of participants in the tournament. This is mainly used before the tournament to inform players of the intended size. It does not represent the actual number of participants.
Custom fields
Custom fields are a way of defining additional information about participants and registrations in a tournament. Each tournament has its own list of custom fields. They can be public to display information to other players, or private to only provide information to the organizer.
Learn more about custom fieldsFinal standing
The final standing of a tournament represents the outcome of the competition. It is described by a ranking of participants carefully validated by the organizer.
The ranking can be partial and only provide the X first participants. Ties are allowed as long as the ranking remains valid.
It is not automatically determined from the tournament structure. It requires the organizer to manually validate each rank. It can be filled in progressively as participants are eliminated.